
According to Kong Zi (Confucius), when studying a subject, if we learn and practice, but don’t think, we would not get to the underlying meanings and principles; in the end all that effort is for naught, as we still do not really understand it. Or if we think, but that thinking is not accompanied with learning and practicing; that kind of thinking is dangerous, in the sense that it is not backed up by anything real. Hence in Chinese culture we say the proper way is to study is to learning diligently, practice ‘bitterly’ (eat ‘bitter’/hardship), and think carefully and clearly. This blog is meant to be that third leg of thinking in my own practice.

To write clearly is to think clearly. So even if no one reads any of our writings, it would still benefit us to clarify, summarize our thinking on the subject. Also, when we try to transmit knowledge to others, we’re often discover the inexactness and lack of detailed understanding in even the basic things. A classic example is translation: when I read a sentence written in classical Chinese, I don’t have to have precise understanding of every word to know what the whole sentence means. But when I do a literal translation, I’m force to look up the word and find the most appropriate translation.

For complex subjects, any body of of knowledge, in order to be truly useful, needs to be as complete, accurate, and systematic as possible. This blog represent my attempt to achieve just that in my own martial art development.


2 Responses to “About”

  1. 2013-09-18 at 6:05 PM

    hi, i’ve just read a large number of your blog entries – most excellent, thank you, please continue. i am very lucky to be learning a taiji/bagua style with a 72yo teacher in my neighbourhood. he speaks very little english so teaching is by demonstration/correction. finding your writing has been both interesting and helpful, sincerely, adam


  2. 2 Eagle Claw
    2014-08-29 at 4:01 AM

    Fantastic site! You might like to take a look at further researches being done on preserving martial arts using 3D Motion Capture http://fringebacker.com/hkmartialarts

    Liked by 1 person

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